At just 17, soccer player Katie Johnston is getting ready to take her career to the next level and play at the University of Florida. Taking this step involves Johnston graduating early and enrolling at the University of Florida to play for their soccer team a semester ahead of schedule.
Johnston’s soccer career began when she was three in Mulvane, Kansas. Showing lots of talent at a young age, Johnston was recruited to play for the ENCL soccer club here in Oklahoma. Through the club team, Johnston earned many invitations to national events and gained lots of attention from college scouts. Moving to Oklahoma opened up many opportunities for Johnston, including making lifelong friends through her team.
“I’m going to miss her a lot. The team won’t be the same without her, but she worked really hard to get here and I’m so proud of her.” Said teammate and friend, junior Ellie torres.
With as many as 35 colleges interested in her, Johnston’s top 4 include Notre Dame, the University of Colorado in Boulder and the University of Oklahoma. Ultimately, she chose the University of Florida.
“I chose Florida because when I visited the campus, the atmosphere and vibe of the team was better than all the other schools, the coaching staff was perfect, and obviously the location is unbeatable,” Johnston said.
While Johnston acknowledges the sacrifices of missing out on senior year traditions like walking with her peers at graduation, she knows what she is doing is for the best.
Johnston will graduate in December 2024 and will move to Florida in January. She will live in the dorms and start a few freshman classes, but her main focus will be soccer. She will most likely play as an attacking midfielder or winger. Johnston’s goal is to become adjusted with the team and is eagerly anticipating the next steps in her career.
“I can’t wait to go to Florida and start a new chapter of my soccer career,” Johnston said.