The spiritual leadership class has put together events for each day of catholic schools week to celebrate faith and community.
MONDAY: Community
- The drive for Women’s Sanctuary begins, students can bring toothpaste, toothbrushes, body soap, deodorants, shampoo, and feminine hygiene products to the box outside of Kelly Allen’s office.
TUESDAY: Vocations
- All school mass will be held.
- Students will be sent a google form asking about their plans for future jobs.
WEDNESDAY: Faculty and Staff
- The spiritual leadership class will distribute sonic drinks and letters of appreciation to teachers.
THURSDAY: Families
- A video about appreciation for families will be shown in the commons.
- Students will be encouraged to send meaningful texts to family members.
FRIDAY: Students
- Students will have a free dress day.
- Positive notes will be posted on lockers.
- At the end of the day students will get suckers.