STEM students begin Spring projects

Matt Fowler

Vinh Pham presenting his first vision of the electric skateboard

Vinh Pham presenting his first vision of the electric skateboard (Mat)

In the STEM classroom, students are wildly interested in preserving and combatting environmental issues such as senior Vinh Pham whose primary focus is his electric skateboard.

“My primary focus in mind has always been trying to create something with its purpose to be practical as well as it being environmentally safe,” Pham said. “I plan to use my skateboard for my day-to-day in college as well as being able to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.”

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math but yet when asked what part attracts the students the most, it is not one of those four subjects. 

“The problem-solving part of STEM is what really excites me and makes my creative juices flow,” senior Hutton Rhoades said. “That lightbulb moment in my head is just a great mental boost and makes me want to continue on my project even more.” 

Hutton Rhoades’s project also uses the art of practicality as well as preserving the environment. 

“My project includes various parts such as wood, solar panels, an electric motor and a 30-gallon food bucket,” Rhoades said. “ This might seem like a weird combination, but I am creating a solar-powered composter with the intent to preserve the environment and to reduce CO2 emissions.” 

STEM teacher Marty Monigold who instructs both the STEM I and STEM II classes said the creativity and imagination of his students are what drives him to continue teaching STEM.

“With the challenges of STEM also comes the problem-solving techniques that students learn along the way,” Monigold said. “ When presented with a problem, there is always a solution, and seeing kids develop their critical thinking skills truly is the reason for STEM.”

Their Spring semester culminates with their semester-long projects and is the determining factor in their STEM grade.