Freshman actress signs with talent agency

Katherine Ramirez, Staff Writer

Moving different states has its ups and downs, but freshman Lily DelPresto has managed to make the best of things and expand her acting career. 

“[Signing with a talent agency] has always been on my mind since I was 12 years old, but it just never happened,” Delpresto said. “When I moved from Oklahoma, I really started to get serious, so I signed with MAGNA .” 

DelPresto, who moved from New Jersey in August, has been acting since she was five years old. 

DelPresto began to look for agents in New Jersey, but had to stop and resume her search in Oklahoma. She along with her acting coach, and her mom did research prior to finding MAGNA. After meeting over a Zoom call, DelPresto managed to create a bond with her agent. 

“If you have a good relationship with your agent like I do, it makes such a difference,” DelPresto said. “If you don’t get along, then it’s not going to be fun. Then they aren’t going to give you what you want, and they are not going to put you first before anyone.” 

Occasionally, DelPresto has to film on school days, so either of her parents picks her up during freshman study hall. She then heads to her studio and begins her self-tapes. 

“After that, we edit it,” DelPresto said. “We make sure the sound is on. We make sure the lighting is good. If we have to redo it, we have to redo it.” 

Some weeks are busier than others. She has had as many as five auditions one week while on other weeks she has had zero. Either way, she has to maintain an open and flexible schedule. 

“People describe me as a bubbly person and very happy, but when I get to play a mean and sarcastic person, that’s what I love about this,” DelPresto said.