Quarantine presents unforeseen positives
April 30, 2020
As citizens of the state and the nation we’ve been asked to stay in doors to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and that’s given us some unexpected opportunities.
Our lives become filled with the obligations of everyday life, school, sports, clubs, jobs and so much more. While all of those things are important, we begin to neglect the things we like, and the people we love. It’s tough having to try to fit time for family and friends into a full schedule when time is so limited. Things that people may love to do such as painting, writing, baking, reading and so much more simply are not possible to fit into our daily schedule. Our everyday obligations are important and are not to be neglected, but as humans we need a break sometimes.
That break is now. Quarantine has taken away those time consuming things that keep us from trying the activities we want to try, reading the books we want to read, or spending time with the family we sometimes neglect. By being forced to stay within a certain place, minds start to wonder and those things that we wanted to do are now within reach. While it’s easy to say you’re busy when you have important things to do, it’s not the case now. Now we have the time and have the ability to do what interests us. We have time for the activities we have always wanted to do and time to talk to the people in our lives who we may not appreciate enough.
Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on our world, but in a world of overwhelming negatives sometimes we all need a little something positive.